Gesellschaft für Umweltanalytik Boden- und Gewässerschutz GmbH


UABG – Gesellschaft für Umweltanalytik, Boden- und Gewässerschutz mbH – has been offering comprehensive environmental analysis services for over 28 years, covering the entire process from sampling to the preparation of expert reports.

In addition to the aforementioned specializations, we also offer water and soil testing for concrete aggressiveness (DIN 4030) and for the corrosion probability of metallic materials (DIN 50929-3) as well as the sampling of cooling systems in accordance with the 42nd BImSchV. We specialize in drinking water, surface and ground water, waste water, water corrosive to concrete (in accordance with DIN 4030), soils, building rubble and compost.

As an approved testing laboratory in accordance with the German Drinking Water Ordinance, we guarantee the highest quality standards when testing drinking water samples.