AZ Biopharm GmbH is a private company with profound expertise in the analytical area that has been successful for over 25 years. Our focus is on pharmaceutical quality control in compliance with the GMP guidelines and in bioanalytics within the framework of preclinical and clinical studies according to the strict guidelines of the GMP, GLP and GCP.

As a service company for standard and special analysis, we operate internationally with a focus on polymers and plastic products, coatings, chemical fibers, textiles, medical technology, chemicals and the environment.

Biogenius GmbH is an internationally recognized company that specializes in the development, testing and approval of biocide products. We have been offering comprehensive tailor -made services for our customers worldwide for 20 years.
domatec is an accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 and an approved testing laboratory according to § 40 of the German Drinking Water Ordinance.

The expert institute, engineering office and environmental laboratory Dr. Fader has been successfully active on the market for over 40 years. Customer-oriented solutions of environmental chemical problems in the areas of water, soil, contaminated sites, disposal, building materials and building services have top priority.

UABG – Gesellschaft für Umweltanalytik, Boden- und Gewässerschutz mbH – positions itself as a complete service provider in the field of environmental analysis, from sampling to expert reports.

In our accredited laboratory, we carry out mechanical-technological and metallographic tests as well as corrosion tests on materials. We prepare your process tests, work samples and welder tests. Furthermore, we train your welders and carry out the welder tests in co-operation with the TÜV.

Hygiene Nord GmbH acts as a microbiological testing laboratory and consultancy company in the field of hygiene. The main fields of activity include water and environmental hygiene testing, hospital hygiene consulting and testing, the evaluation of antimicrobial agents, the development of hygiene plans, the recording of infections, the management of outbreak situations and the preparation of expert reports.

The industrial and environmental laboratory Vorpommern GmbH (IUL Western Pomerania) was founded on September 15, 1991 and has developed into a laboratory for chemical analyzes recognized in the region in the past 30 years.

IMG – the Institute for Material Testing Glörfeld – has stood out for precise analyses of a wide variety of materials in the inorganic sector for over 40 years and it is renowned throughout Europe for its accuracy in analyzing precious metals.

IT-Service Leipzig GmbH has been offering technical engineering services for non-destructive materials testing since 1992. In addition to the sale of equipment and accessories, they offer quick repair and maintenance services as well as replacement or loan equipment to carry out your testing tasks. Long-standing cooperation with well-known manufacturers in the field of industrial X-ray technology allows them to offer a successful “first-line service”.

Founded in 2002 by Dr Gerhard Scheller, Labor Dr Scheller carries out chemical and chemical-physical food analyses, microbiological tests (in accordance with § 44 IfSG and § 15 TrinkwV 2001), cosmetic tests, environmental analyses and water analyses (drinking water, raw water, spring water, swimming pool water, etc.).

Novum Analytik GmbH specialises in the detection of microorganisms in food using microbiological and molecular genetic methods.